Thanks to my stellar "secret source" at Boulder Bookstore, I am the proud owner of many interesting-looking uncorrected proofs. I also have many generous friends who have recently lent me books even though they know (or now know) it will be a long time before I return them. (Please e-mail me if you can't wait for me to get to your borrowed book-- I'll totally understand.)
On top of my stack is Ladies and Gentlemen, the Bible! by Jonathan Goldstein, a frequent This American Life contributor. It's a collection of cheekily re-vamped Bible stories that balance between hilarious, bittersweet and ridiculous. I like it so far, but I'm only halfway through. One thing I'd say is that Goldstein seems to be navigating a space where he's being funny, but he's also trying not to offend anyone. As a result, some of the stories could be a little flashier-- I mean, if you're going to inject some humor into the Bible, I'd go big. More updates as I read further!
In other news, here's a taste of my reading lust... I mean reading list:
No God But God by Reza Aslan
The Bookseller of Kabul by Asne Seierstad
Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith Reporting on Religion in America by William Lobdel
Book suggestions? Send 'em my way!
I've really been enjoying No god but God, although sometimes he needlessly tangles chronology, and there are undertones of the author doth protest too much. Also, thought you'd enjoy this article:
--Michelle B