Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Stuff to (not) give up for Lent

Happy Ash Wednesday to the Catholics out there and happy regular Wednesday to everyone else! If you're the type to give something up for Lent, consider sparing beer from the potential list.
This past weekend I went with my fabulous friends to Avery Brewing Company in Boulder for a mid-afternoon tasting and tour. Our awesome tour guide, decked out in bike pants and Crocs, gave us the skinny on the most "outta control" and "whacked out" beers on tap. That includes beer from their "Holy Trinity" series, which features some saintly-tasting brews. Hog Heaven Barleywine Ale (surely the most whacked out, in this guy's opinion) is super-super hoppy and is responsible for turning the tanking Avery into a happening, nationally-known brewery. The Reverend Belgian Ale is made with specialty malts and a hint of cherry/molasses goodness. On the lighter side, Salvation Strong Ale has a light, sorta peachy taste (like heaven!) I walked away with a bomber of Salvation, so come on by and share it with me!
Not to be outdone, Hell is equally represented in Avery's "Demons of Ale" series. Dark and tasty-looking (I haven't yet tried any) Samael's Ale, The Beast and Mephistopheles' Stout brings in darker flavors like chocolate and anise. They're also whallopingly strong-- 14 to 16 percent alcohol.
Check out Avery's Strong Ale Festival Friday, Feb. 27 and Saturday, Feb. 28 to sample 60 strong-ass beers. $25 at the door gains you entry, a commemorative tasting glass, and sixteen 2oz pour tasting tickets.


  1. Nuns who taught in parochial schools used rosaries as weapons to get the attention of their pupils. Why not another use as a fashion accessory?

  2. I think the whole beer thing is gettin' out of hand when bona-fide journalistas start writing odes to hops. We're turning into beer snobs here people. It's BEER. If you want more flavor, get it the way your grand-pappy did: drink two.

    You write good though.

  3. As someone just as happy with a Bud or a Corona, I have to agree with Mark--but I have a son who loves craft beers, so I'll send him the link to your discussion --
